First of all, sleep training. I know I left you with a little bit of a cliff-hanger. The long and the short of it is that we had a horrible night, a great night, a horrible night, an okay night and then 5 straight nights of 730pm to 630am sleep. Ahhhhhhhh. Those 11 hours of solid, angel-baby sleep were AMAZING. I say were because after those 5 fabulous nights, we are now suddenly starting to get little mini-interruptions again. Last night, for instance, K woke up at 1000pm just SCREAMING. You honestly would think she must be having bad dreams or something the way she just wakes up in a near panic. I got her calmed down and back to sleep pretty quickly, but only after picking her up to get the panicky-edge to ease. Then she slept really well until about 530am this morning when she was suddenly up and ready to go. I don't know what it is that causes these weird blips...I suppose it's the fact that she's human. Lord knows adults don't sleep for the exact same 11 hour period every night, but, we also don't eat exactly every four hours, take naps exactly every three...I don't know. It's hard to know what is working and what's not. It's also hard because something is always changing with babies and the first thing to be impacted by those changes is their sleep. Kayla has a fourth tooth coming through on top; she is now eating two meals of solids a day: rice cereal, veggies and all; she has a seriously runny nose that probably stems from the teething, but might be a cold based on her mommy's stuffy who knows which, if any, of these things is throwing off her sleep again. Most people say, "Oh, but she slept from 1030pm to 530am? That is seven straight hours! That is great!" But when you know that she is capable of doing a straight 11, seven is a little harder to swallow. I think the most important thing is remembering to just go with it, to remember that she is 7 months old, to remember that this too shall pass. And to remember that the weekend is coming soon and maybe Daddy can take one of the early mornings...
Anywho, so that's the story with sleep training: pretty much a success and, luckily, a quick success, with the occasional post-training malfunction. What else?
Halloween. Kayla's First Halloween. Most of you know that I love Halloween. LOVE. So, getting to introduce the holiday to Kayla this year, even if "introducing" it really just consisted of sticking some antlers on her head and letting her chew on a pumpkin, was so much fun. We were lucky enough to have our friends Suzanne and Tim come down with their little one Davin (6 weeks younger than Kayla), so it was an exciting first for everyone. Not to mention, of course, that Kayla has 20 little 5-10 month friends here in Hoboken who were also celebrating their first Halloweens. Some of them more happily than others...apparently those big furry suits...not popular with the baby crowd. Some pics from the weekend-o-Halloween-fun:
What else...
We are hard at work on solids. Kayla has been a really good sport about trying everything. I think our first foray into solids (post rice cereal) might have been a mistake. Based on the doctor's recommendation, we tried giving her peas as a first food. Enter a major gagging session followed by two days of refusing solids. So, we ditched his advice and went about our own strategy of food introduction. So far, Kayla has had winter squash (HUGE fan), green beans, and carrots. We're taking it slowly, but she is getting better and better every day. We have the occasional morning where she just doesn't feel like having solids for breakfast, but she's always willing to chow down in the evening and she is getting more and more tolerant of texture (i.e. her rice cereal is getting thicker and thicker).
Great Success!
Other than that, we are basically waiting anxiously for Smush to start crawling. She is a moving MACHINE these days! She rolls and scootches and slithers and wiggles and manages to get halfway across the room before you've so much as blinked. She's also pushing way up on her hands and knees and not just rocking, but starting to move...first one knee, then the other...her arms haven't quite started cooperating yet, but man...if crawling isn't imminent at this point...I'll be shocked. She's just recently figured out that she can push up from her belly into a seated position. She is just getting more and more clever everyday. It's unbelievable. I'm afraid to take my eyes off her for more than a second for fear that I'll miss the start of her next big thing. Crazy to think that she will be seven months old on Monday. Our baby is getting so big!
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