Ahem...So it's been a little while. Somewhere near the two year mark, the business of everyday life got the better of me and my dedication to blogging about our little family and Kayla's ever changing life just sort of fell by the wayside...
But it was pointed out to me the other day that it would be a huge disservice were I not to rekindle my blogging if/when Duckling Number Two was on the way and so...
Dear Chris Jr. (as your Dad has insisted on nicknaming you),
This one is for you.
In two days, I will officially be a full 17 weeks pregnant and you, my little one, will be rapidly growing from your current "turnip" size into something far more substantial. It has been an interesting ride so far. When I was pregnant with your sister, my situation was a little different. Your daddy and I were living in New Jersey and though I was working, it was an exceedingly relaxed job where my office was our guest room. I had no children at the time, so my hours were my own, and aside from working at my day job, I had hours to spare for working out, taking long walks, enjoying relaxing mornings reading and, well, doing all the things that people without children take for granted. This time around, the experience is a little different. More than four years later, we are now back in Virginia and I am back to going into an office every day. Not only do I go into an office every day, but I go into a job that has me either in meetings or desperately trying to knock out any number of the million and one things on my ever growing plate for a solid 9-10 hours a day. In addition to that, I have your sister (your amazing, beautiful, hilarious and whip smart sister) occupying me from the minute I wake up until the minute that she (and oftentimes I) both fall into a deadened sleep at night. And so, this pregnancy has been a little different.
I won't lie to you...we have spent a little less time reading the pregnancy books and wondering about your daily changes. I have been a little more tired and a lot more cranky. I have allowed myself to drink some caffeine (though never more than half-caff!), something I would never have dreamed of doing in my first pregnancy. I have eaten some non-organic produce and I haven't taken a single belly photo. But...I don't want you to think that any of that is a reflection on how excited we are about you. We are thrilled. Ecstatic. We talk to your sister about you every day and she holds my belly in her hands while she tells you things like "Hello, Baby. I am your big sister and I love you." You are going to be the next piece to our happy little puzzle and we can't wait for you to get here.
And I am going to do my darnedest to find the time to do things like write to you, because you deserve it. And even though I am busy and tired and am wishing that a second pregnancy only lasted 6 or 7 months instead of 9, I promise that I am going to start doing things like taking belly pics and capturing special moments, because you deserve that. I am also going to make sure I stay hydrated, get enough DHA, get in a workout 5 days a week and do all that I can to ensure that you stay healthy and happy in there, because the one thing that is exactly the same between this pregnancy and the last is that I worry about you. A lot. I count the days between doctor's appointments, desperately awaiting the next time I get to hear your little heartbeat and to know that you're okay.
I also promise that we will buy you some of your own things and will not make you survive off of only hand-me-downs, particularly considering that you are mainly looking at pink tutus, my friend.
Anyhow, this is only the beginning, so I won't make it too long winded, but I wanted to say "hello", to tell you that I love you and to tell you that even though my focus may be a little more divided this time around, my love is not.
Stay safe in there, little one.
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