So, I have to admit that one of the best parts about being pregnant is the abundance of precious baby gifts. They are all tiny and soft and designed to elicit ooohs and ahhs and they made me all googly eyed even when I wasn't pregnant, so you can only imagine the awwww factor now.
Last week was our big "coming out" week. I think I told half my company population, plus we finally got to call all the remaining friends and family who we'd been dying to tell. Needless to say, the cuteness has started flooding in and we couldn't be more thrilled. Every little thing we get makes all this feel just a little bit more real. Holding little tiny baby clothes and realizing that we are going to have someone to actually put them on in only a few months is really just the most incredible feeling.
It is not news to us that we have the best friends around. We've been lucky in our lives to meet more amazing people than we would ever have thought possible. To see how excited all our friends and family are for this baby just cements that fact. It has been so fun to tell each person. Tons of screams, hugs, and general love have been thrown our way. It's so nice to finally be able to share the big news. Seeing everyone else so excited just makes us even more thrilled.
Many thanks to Aunt Janie, Uncle Dave, and Adam; Aunt Kim; Miss Heleana; and Aunt Irene for all the wonderful things above!
In other news, we did finally take our first Belly Pics. As I still feel like this fairly flat stomached fake, I've been resisting taking pics; however, it is Week 15 and I figure it is time to start showing the progress, even if Chris and I are the only ones who really see it.
For those of you who don't stomach did actually used to curve IN at the bottom, rather than out. It's a tiny baby bump, but trust feels much more significant when it's you! Still excited to actually "pop" though and join the ranks of the obviously pregnant! Rumor has it that could still be weeks and weeks away though, so no excuse to buy a new wardrobe of maternity clothes just yet.
Thanks for including us to be privy to your blog. I love reading it and seeing the photos and will savor each new posting. Great personal memories flow back into my consciousness as I read about your experiences and reactions to the infinite joys of becoming parents.