Yesterday was Orange Seed's official 20 Week check-up, although I'm technically closer to a full 21 weeks at this point. The official appointment was way better than the ER appointment though, for a number of reasons. First off, I really love the ultrasound technician at our doctor's office. She is friendly, hilarious, and always willing to slow down to explain exactly what you're looking at and what it means. That was especially important this time when the baby's skeleton was suddenly visible, a glowing line of ridges that looked a lot like the aliens from The Abyss. (If you get that reference, bonus points for you) When one's baby has suddenly grown a luminescent map beneath its skin, one tends to want an explanation. Second of all, the ultrasound at the doctor's office goes a lot slower, so you get the full explanation of "This is the baby's brain. These are its kidneys. These are the baby's femurs and these are the baby's butt cheeks. Look at those cute little butt cheeks!" Gotta love it. We even got confirmation that Orange Seed is indeed a girl. The picture was pretty clear, although it didn't make it into the set of print outs. I guess the tech wanted to save Orange Seed the embarrassment of having us break that one out in front of her boyfriend sometime 15-16 years down the road.
At any rate, the important news is that all is well and Orange Seed is growing exactly as she should be. She weighs 11oz now, so she should be hitting the 1lb mark soon. Holy reality! She's also getting very long - about the length of a large banana. And I finally know where she is! The tech was nice enough to point out that she is lying diagonally across my abdomen, head near my right ribs and legs near the lower left side of my abs. She was also nice enough to point out that if I feel "kicking" high on my left side, that is actually my bowel and not the baby.
Some things you just do not need to know.
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