I now feel her kick far more often and even feel her roll over every once in awhile - at least, I assume that's what she's doing when suddenly my stomach feels like it has gone on a mini roller coaster ride, while the rest of me gets boringly left behind.
Last night was the Winter Wallop, as the news stations have dubbed it. Here in NYC, we got only 8-12 inches. Only. In DC, this would have shut the city down for days. In fact, we hear VA got around 2 feet and is, indeed, completely shutdown. Here in NYC though, you wouldn't think 8-12 inches of snow was any different than an afternoon rain shower. The roads were pretty much cleared this morning, the shops were open, and everyone was out walking around as though nothing had happened. Actually, even more impressive, they were acting about the same at 1130 last night as the blizzard went into full effect. Kim and Seth were here this weekend, so despite the storm, we went into the city last night for some touring in Rockefeller, a show off Broadway, and a late night dinner. It couldn't have been more than 20 degrees and the snow was coming down in sheets. Watching the city turn white - yellow taxis taking on a new color and quickly blending into the snowy backdrop, just their headlights shining out from the cloud - was incredible. Every photo we took shows more snowflake than anything else. Sitting at dinner at 11pm, we watched people walking by outside. These New Yorkers are hardcore. In Virginia, a couple inches meant that the city went into apocalypse mode, not one person to be seen on the roads or sidewalks. In NYC, it just means you pull your scarf a little tighter, you pull your hat down a little farther, and you power through, boots a-stompin'. As we gawked at the taxis spinning out on Broadway and the people's umbrellas blowing inside out and filling with snow, a guy went pedaling by on what looked to be an old school ten-speed and we all suddenly felt far less impressive than we had while trudging down the streets a few minutes earlier.
This morning, the sun was out and though it was still cold, the snow had stopped. This meant Seth and Kim were actually able to leave, which meant that my dreams of keeping them trapped here a few days longer were crushed. Alas...
On a less interesting, but highly important note, see that coat I have on? That is my brand new, puffier than puffy, warm beyond your wildest dreams, winter maternity coat. It showed up fortuitously the day before the big snow and I may never take it off again.
But back to the story...only two more days til we head to Williamsburg for Christmas. Today, we THINK Chris may finally have been able to feel Orange Seed kick for the first time. Unfortunately, after the first kick where I managed to place his hand in time, she got stage fright and froze up. No more kicking. So we don't have real confirmation, but if he did...how exciting! I'm trying to bribe her with promises that her Daddy will love her EVEN more if she proves that she's got some major soccer skills brewing. So far, she doesn't seem to care. Part of me is disappointed and part of me wants to say "Thatta girl. Don't you fall for bribes and false promises. Be you." Could stubbornness be in her bones? Where in the world would that come from?
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