But, she IS real, and in honor of her 27 Week Birthday (okay, it's not her birthday, since she hasn't been born, but what is it? Her Conception Day? That sounds bizarre. Existence Day? Life Day? 27 Week Uterine-Exploration Day? So many other pretty phrase...how can one choose??) it is picture time again. We also had to take pictures because her mommy had to dress up for work for the first time in many months and we thought that the event should be documented for posterity. I even wore heels. AND nylons. That's right. Like a REAL employee. Go me.
No bare belly pics this time, but the belly is about to get a lot of public exposure, so it is trying to reserve its energy. We head to Mexico next week and, technically, the belly is schedule to get some air and sun while the rest of me lies in a bikini on the beach. A tankini is coming along too, just in case I get there and the belly gets shy, but regardless, you can see how the belly might need some time away from the limelight. It shall return in future posts, do not fear.
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