Today the Baby-Meter has announced a major milestone...100 Days to go! Though on any other occasion, 100 days would sound horribly long, somehow in this case 100 days seems like a mere drop in the bucket(-o-pregnancy). Though we're getting more and more eager for Orange Seed to arrive, it still seems hard to believe that I am almost 2/3rds of the way through my pregnancy and that Orange Seed will arrive in only a little over 3 months. While there will be obvious benefits to NOT being pregnant anymore (cuddly baby, lack-o-belly, ability to sleep on stomach or back...), I also have to say that I have really enjoyed being pregnant so far. You hear so many horror stories from other pregnant women, so I was prepared for 10 months of misery and drama, but has been fun! Okay, so there are parts that are not convenient and I recognize that overall I have had it easier than most, but still. It is sad to think that someone might be forced to go through these months without any enjoyment. Especially now that I am nearing the end of my second trimester and can feel Orange Seed moving around on a regular basis, being pregnant is no longer scary and is, instead, just exciting. As I've said before, there is something really magical about carrying around this little life inside of you. You are someone's home for 10 months. And, though Chris keeps telling me that my body no longer belongs to me, but only belongs to Orange Seed, I have to say that I don't really felt like I've given up my body at all. There are some obvious differences in it, but far from being alienated from my body, I feel more in touch with it now than ever. Women, especially, spend an inordinate amount of time fretting over our bodies. What is this little dimple here? What is that spot over there? Should this be bigger? Could that be smaller? Pregnancy is such a RELIEF as a woman! For once, I am not worrying about how I should or shouldn't look and can, instead, just focus on how I do look and what my body is doing (incredibly) to prepare itself for baby.
I have definitely had days where I have caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and done a double-take at the new basketball-like protrusion stemming from my mid-section but, I have also had a lot of days, especially lately, where I have marveled at my body, proud of the way it is able to meld itself into the perfect home when, not so long ago, it couldn't even have imagined being this shape. I admit that I might feel differently had I let myself give into pregnancy and all the "treat yourself" messages that sometimes go along with it. I might not be feeling quite so body-positive if I had gained a ton of weight or was seeing changes in places other than my belly. But, in my case, I feel like my body has stayed strong and able and has merely added a new special quality to itself, one that I could never have anticipated would be so satisfying and enjoyable.
I know someone out there just groaned and someone else just rolled their eyes. I know a few people are going to find this post unbelievable or cheesy, but for those of you who haven't been through this yet and are thinking that one day you want to have this experience, please...when it all begins to happen, take a deep breath, relax, and instead of preparing for a roller-coaster of terror, prepare to enjoy the most fascinating ride of your life. Pregnancy is, to some extent, what you make of it. All I can say is that if you go in planning to be relaxed, healthy, and active, your body will comply and will thank you later. It always makes me giggle when she says it, but I think my Yoga instructor is onto something when she says, "You are all beautiful, empowered, birthing goddesses". :)
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