But truly, Kayla is becoming more and more of a baby and less and less of a newborn every day.
Let's review:
Brand New Kayla
One Week Kayla
Two Week Kayla (I can focus on Mr. Panda now!)
and now Three Week Kayla who loves faces and lights and her swing and who is going to smile at mommy any day now, mommy just knows it.
In some ways parenthood still feels so new and in others, it feels like we've been doing this for years. I guess that is one of the great miracles of parenthood, that you can both feel like a natural and feel totally out of your element at the same time. When I was six months pregnant, I explained to a friend that the whole thing still felt so surreal...that even though I had now fully come to believe in the pregnancy, I still couldn't quite grasp/believe that we were going to get a BABY at the end of it. I remember her laughing and saying that even once you have the baby it is still surreal...you can never quite believe that they are there and they are yours and that you MADE them. Wow, was she ever right.
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