After being informed by the doctor that Kayla should be getting at least four ten-minute periods of Tummy Time each day and that no, her lifting her head while cuddling happily on our chests does not count, we have diligently tried to start submitting Kayla to a total 40 minutes of Tummy Time on a floor mat each day. This does not make for a happy Kayla. Apparently, though she seems to have the strongest newborn neck ever seen, she does NOT like to be forced to exercise it. It's as though she's saying, "Listen, Parental Units, I have proven my neck strength on multiple occasions. What is with this forced exercise regimen? What is this, the newborn version of P90X?!"
As she does not exactly love Tummy Time, she originally started out whining and crying her way through the 10 minutes. The doctor told us that we are not to pick her up when the crying starts and that, in fact, she learns better when frustrated because it means she really WANTS to get out of the position, forcing her to move her head. Riiiiiiight. Unfortunately, Doc, our baby is a little smarter than that. Upon realizing that we aren't going to rescue her from the dreaded Tummy Time, she merely developed her own way of escaping. It is called sleep. That's right, our baby has perfected the art of falling asleep when confronted with something she doesn't like. Put her on her tummy, she struggles and fusses for a few minutes before sighing and then snuggling down into the mat for a nap. Sneaky, sneaky child. I mean really...does this look like neck strengthening to you? We tried Doc, we tried, but I think, perchance, we have been outdone. Jury?
I rest (Pun intended! Pun intended!) my case.
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