Amazing how quickly things can change! We've gone from only occasionally feeling Orange Seed (or Clementine as my family has now dubbed her - "more feminine") kick to now having an easier time counting the moments when she's NOT kicking. She has become quite the little mover and shaker in the past week or so and now, not only does her daddy get to feel her kick and squirm on a daily basis, but she even showed off for Grandma Spatz and Aunt Kristen over Christmas. She refused to kick Uncle John, but considering the fact that he threatened her with bodily harm if she didn't perform soon, I can hardly blame her.
It is funny to feel her flip and kick and punch and squirm. Today, she apparently got a great kick out of the rumblings of our jet as it prepared to take off from Richmond International Airport. As soon as the planes engines kicked into gear and the plane began bouncing down the runway, she started kicking up a storm and rolling about so much that her daddy was actually able to feel her flips. I'm a little worried all my swimming has taught her some bad habits - lately she seems to enjoy swimming laps in my belly - kick, kick, kick, flip, kick, kick, kick, flip. People keep telling me that it is all fun and games until she is getting her little feet caught in-between my ribs, but for now, I have to admit that I am loving every second of it. It is the most amazing and miraculous experience in the world to carry around this little being inside you, this little person who will one day be a big person full of her own dreams and accomplishments. There is something beyond words in the magic of serving as home to your child for 10 months. How you can already love this little being who you have never seen, heard, or met is beyond explanation and yet, even now, even this early on, you know that you would do anything to protect them. I can only imagine that the love you feel for them once they are born is positively world-shattering. With every week that passes (heading into Week 25 now!), Chris and I get more and more eager to meet this little lady who will completely change life as we know it. We talk more and more about who we think she will be. What will she look like? What traits will she have? I feel this overwhelming desire to plan for her arrival - prepare her room, begin a college savings plan...I want more than anything to feel sure that we can protect and provide for her. And we can, of course. But, as parents-to-be, we are still eager to begin proving our worth, even now, four months prior to her arrival.
At least we know that she will not come into this world lacking for clothing or toys. Our guest room is already becoming quite the little baby depot and that was only furthered by Christmas. Orange Seed got all kinds of wonderful gifts, first from Aunt Kim and Uncle Seth, who came for a pre-Christmas visit, and then from her Spatz and Duck relatives over the holidays. Aunt Janie and Uncle Dave also contributed to her treasure trove and, for the first Christmas in awhile, her parents had FAR more presents to open than anyone else (score!).
From Aunt Kim:
From Aunt Kristen:
From the GrandDucks:
And from the GrandSpatz:
Equally exciting is the fact that Orange Seed is now well-equipped to accompany us to next year's Steeler's Game:
And there's even hope that her parents might be prepared for her: