...we are back from Mexico and back to the 30 degree days and 18 degree nights. Waaaaaah. 8 days of sun, sand, and nada coladas was a wonderful break from the winter monotony and coming back to the reality of January in NYC was as harsh as expected - picture 18 degree winds whipping you about the head. But, complaints regarding the cold aside, the trip was incredible. Though I had blown the surprise location, Chris was still 100% surprised to find that not only were we going to Mexico, but Brad, Anna, Allie, Janie, Dave and Adam were all there as well. A whole week of relaxation with some of our closest friends was exactly the way he had hoped to spend his 30th Bday, so the surprise thrilled him and the week was a blast. Chris and I also got our first taste of vacationing with kids and though we now know that sleeping in is not an option with an 18-month old, we also know that having little ones at the pool makes the pool twice as fun. Allie and Adam were both adorable and we're only hoping that Orange Seed will be half as good.
Adam spent the week teaching us how to play Good Turtles vs Bad Turtles in the pool and Allie spent the week learning our names so that she could make us go "awwwwwwww" every time she would then see us and either say "Ernin!" or "Kis!". She also spent the week cracking us up by making her "Cutie Pie" face, which basically involves squinting her eyes, puckering up her lips, and then insisting "Pie! Pie!" Clearly her cuteness has not been missed by anyone, including her.
Chris and I enjoyed getting to just relax and unwind for a week. Orange Seed apparently enjoyed it too, because she was more active than ever. She stayed up until about 1am one night, spinning such circles in my belly that her dad and I both had to wonder whether or not that chocolate crepe before bed might have been a baaaaad idea. She also started kicking early in the morning. Though her dad was pretty convinced she would be just fine with us sleeping in, I was pretty sure she was begging to be brought back to the pool. I think Orange Seed liked the toasty warm feeling of having her home get browned in the sun.