Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sad to Report...

...we are back from Mexico and back to the 30 degree days and 18 degree nights. Waaaaaah. 8 days of sun, sand, and nada coladas was a wonderful break from the winter monotony and coming back to the reality of January in NYC was as harsh as expected - picture 18 degree winds whipping you about the head. But, complaints regarding the cold aside, the trip was incredible. Though I had blown the surprise location, Chris was still 100% surprised to find that not only were we going to Mexico, but Brad, Anna, Allie, Janie, Dave and Adam were all there as well. A whole week of relaxation with some of our closest friends was exactly the way he had hoped to spend his 30th Bday, so the surprise thrilled him and the week was a blast. Chris and I also got our first taste of vacationing with kids and though we now know that sleeping in is not an option with an 18-month old, we also know that having little ones at the pool makes the pool twice as fun. Allie and Adam were both adorable and we're only hoping that Orange Seed will be half as good.

Adam spent the week teaching us how to play Good Turtles vs Bad Turtles in the pool and Allie spent the week learning our names so that she could make us go "awwwwwwww" every time she would then see us and either say "Ernin!" or "Kis!". She also spent the week cracking us up by making her "Cutie Pie" face, which basically involves squinting her eyes, puckering up her lips, and then insisting "Pie! Pie!" Clearly her cuteness has not been missed by anyone, including her.

Chris and I enjoyed getting to just relax and unwind for a week. Orange Seed apparently enjoyed it too, because she was more active than ever. She stayed up until about 1am one night, spinning such circles in my belly that her dad and I both had to wonder whether or not that chocolate crepe before bed might have been a baaaaad idea. She also started kicking early in the morning. Though her dad was pretty convinced she would be just fine with us sleeping in, I was pretty sure she was begging to be brought back to the pool. I think Orange Seed liked the toasty warm feeling of having her home get browned in the sun.

Overall, a wonderful week that is better shown in pictures than explained in words.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Estómagos Grandes son Hermosas!

Dear Dr. Gerardis -

Why, oh why, can't you be the only doctor in my practice? You are so kind and sweet and friendly. Even today, when you are struggling with a terrible cough, you come in all smiles and call me "honey" and take the time to see how I'm feeling and to ask if I have any questions. You explain everything you're doing and tell me where I fall on all the scales (average measurement, weight, etc.). At the end of each appointment I have with you, I just want to wrap you up in a big hug and say "Thank you! Thank you for being the only doctor in this practice who seems genuinely interested in who I am and how I'm doing." If I wind up having to be induced, I will certainly be trying to weasel my way into having it done to coincide with when you are on call.

Yours with Hope That You Will Be in the Delivery Room with Me,

Tomorrow we head to Mexico. It was good to have a last little check-up before we go, to make sure that Orange Seed is still doing just fine and that we should be healthy enough to have a good, no-issues, trip. The results from Ghetto Lab came in and my glucose levels are not only fine, but "Excellent. Doesn't get better than that," according to Dr. Gerardis. We are also at no risk for anemia and Orange Seed is measuring at just the right size. Additionally, I got to ask if the fact that I've gained way less weight than all these pregnancy books say I should have at this point is an issue. Nope, it's not. In fact, she complimented me on how healthy I am and said she wished all her patients could stay this diligent throughout pregnancy. And yes, that was a total pat on the back, but hey...there have definitely been times I would have rather had a cookie sundae than a salad and there have definitely been times that I haven't felt like taking my aching back to the gym, but each time, I have taken a deep breath and reminded myself that healthier is better and so, I think I deserve a little pat on the back, no? Plus, we need to boost the self-confidence now that we are only one day away from having to put on a swimsuit at the beach. Bellies are beautiful. Bellies are beautiful. Or, in the native speak of my soon to be vacation spot, "Estómagos grandes son hermosas. Estómagos grandes son hermosas."

And so, with that assertion in mind, we're off to Mexico. Adios, mis amigos. See you in a week!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dreams of the Twilight Zone Variety

For some time now, all of my pregnancy books have been insisting that I should be having baby-related dreams. They say that you will either have fear-revealing dreams: falling, blood, partner being difficult, partner having an affair, baby being born with/without additional extremities, etc., etc. Or, you might have hope/excitement-revealing dreams: cuddling with your baby, baby animals that are cuddly, future events with your baby, dreams of flying/freedom. They say that in the third trimester you are especially likely to start having dreams focused on labor and birth.

Up until now, I had actually had no baby related dreams. Whether this shows a lack of concern or a lack of imagination, I don't know, but I haven't dreamed of baby in any way, shape, or form. Or, I should say I hadn't, until now. Two nights ago I had my first baby-related dream and it was a WEIRD one. It started off perfectly harmless. Chris and I were lying in bed and Orange Seed started to kick, so I reached down to put my hand on my belly. When I touched my belly, I could tell that the part of her that was poking at me was an elbow, so I grabbed Chris' hand excitedly and said, "Feel this!" Chris reached down to feel her little elbow and that's when things got weird. We felt her elbow and then started to see if we could identify other parts of her. There was her arm, her head, her legs, her feet, and my dream-self suddenly realized that this was way more of her than we should have been able to identify and lifting back the covers, we looked down, and there she was - on the OUTSIDE. Except she wasn't. She was still connected to me and though we could see all of her, she was still under my skin in some way, shape, or form that only your dream-self can accept and understand. Amazingly, we were totally calm in the dream, but I did point out to Chris that if she was already this big - too big to just remain unseen in the womb - then how in the world was there going to be room for her to grow another few inches and another 5-6lbs? We sat there looking at her little wriggling body and I just couldn't fathom it. There wasn't room!

And then I woke up and waking-me realized how totally bizarre the dream actually was. I suppose there's something to be said about dreams revealing your inner concerns. I had been thinking lately how tight my stomach has become. I get that it still isn't nearly as big as it will be, but on the days where it feels like it's being stretched to the point of popping, it is really hard to believe that it can get much bigger. All I can compare it to is a night where you ate WAY too much and you sit there, distended stomach stretched to the point of aching, cursing yourself for having forced down that last bite of chocolate cake (or burrito, or pizza, or ice cream...pick your poison). This is like that, only you know it's not going away anytime soon and that "last bite" occasionally kicks you in the ribs.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Two Down, One To Go!

Third Trimester, here we come! More than 2/3rds of the way through the pregnancy and only 89 days to go. It's hard to believe how fast time is flying by. The fact that we only have to wait 13 more weeks to have Orange Seed out here in the world with us is mind-boggling. It seems like only yesterday we were still trying to figure out if she was real.

But, she IS real, and in honor of her 27 Week Birthday (okay, it's not her birthday, since she hasn't been born, but what is it? Her Conception Day? That sounds bizarre. Existence Day? Life Day? 27 Week Uterine-Exploration Day? So many other pretty can one choose??) it is picture time again. We also had to take pictures because her mommy had to dress up for work for the first time in many months and we thought that the event should be documented for posterity. I even wore heels. AND nylons. That's right. Like a REAL employee. Go me.

No bare belly pics this time, but the belly is about to get a lot of public exposure, so it is trying to reserve its energy. We head to Mexico next week and, technically, the belly is schedule to get some air and sun while the rest of me lies in a bikini on the beach. A tankini is coming along too, just in case I get there and the belly gets shy, but regardless, you can see how the belly might need some time away from the limelight. It shall return in future posts, do not fear.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pilates Playtime

To celebrate being 27 Weeks old today, Orange Seed decided to give a little performance. In pilates class this morning, as her mom lay prone on her side, trying to focus on her ab work, Orange Seed suddenly decided she wanted to get in a little workout of her own. She began twisting and turning and flipping around so much that she completely distracted her mommy, who struggled desperately not to burst out in a fit of giggles, but far more impressive than that...

She managed to distract that pilates instructor who was literally three people away!

As Orange Seed was performing her acrobatics, the pilates instructor started giggling and said "So, sometimes baby gets a little bit active in this position." Then she looked at me, smiled, and said "As I can tell from HERE that your little one is doing." HA! Orange Seed, you are getting so big and strong that someone across the room can see your antics! I lost it at that point. I burst out laughing and, well, I suppose that is an abs workout in and of itself, so despite the fact that I was giggling too much to do the actual suggested maneuvers, at least I still managed to get the work done.

Congratulations, Orange Seed. You made your own special kind of "appearance" in honor of your special day and, I have to admit, I am pretty darned proud of you.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

You Don't Know How Lucky You Are

Oh, Orange have no idea how lucky you are. Daddy and I may be far from perfect, but let me tell could have done MUCH worse. For instance, today I had to go to LabCorp for some blood tests. First off, let me thank my OBGYN for sending me out for tests this time, rather than just drawing my blood themselves. There is nothing like sitting in a crowded waiting room for 2 hours (yup, you have to get there 1/2 hour early, then they make you drink heavy duty Gatorade and then you wait an hour to actually have your blood drawn - F, U, N, spells FUN!) surrounded by people who are variously hacking, snorting, spitting into the trash can (I kid you not), etc. Once again, thinking I reeeeally should have figured out how to get the Swine Flu vaccine before now. At any rate, as Orange Seed and I are sitting there waiting for our turn to get pricked, the waiting room is slowly emptying out and soon we are left with just one couple and their two kids. Let's start with the positive: cute kids, mom kisses them often, dad smiles at them...okay, I'm out. Now let's talk about the negative. The parents proceeded to fight LOUDLY for about 25 mins straight. It all started because they were sitting near the window and the mom glanced out at the same time that some man was walking by.

Dad: "What are you looking at?"
Mom: "What? What are you talking about?"
Dad: "You looked at him like 'mmmm', when I'm sitting right here. You think I don't see you? You're nasty, seriously."
Mom: "Please. I wasn't looking at him, you're crazy."
Dad: "What were you looking at then, huh?"
Mom: "None of your f*&$*ing business."
Dad: "Oh, now you're cursing. You do that in a place of public? That's nice. You need to learn how to act proper. Cursing like that in public. Nasty."
Mom: "You are so rude. Disrespectful. It isn't worth it."
Dad: "Oh please, you know where you'd be without me."
Mom: "Mmmhmm, I do. I certainly do." (This definitely in a tone of it would be someplace gooood).
Dad: "You're such a nasty person. Hood rat."
Mom: "Whatever. You think you're so great, but you aren't. You're just sad, sad, sad."

and on and on and on and on

Again, their two kids, who couldn't have been more than 2 and 4, are sitting right there. I am also sitting right there, feeling exceedingly awkward and focusing on my iPhone like it is telling me the secrets of the universe. The fighting went on and on and got louder and louder until FINALLY they were called back for their appointment. Unbelievable. So, see Orange Seed? It could be way worse. Your daddy, no matter how mad he has ever been at me, has never called me a "hood rat". Nor have I loudly thrown out words that Waiting Room Mommy was using to berate your dad in public. Who are these people and do their kids grow up thinking this is normal? I'm sure they do. And while I'm sure there are plenty of things we will do in front of you that we will later regret or that will reveal to you that we are, in fact, imperfect, there are some things that I can promise you will never have to deal with. I'm just glad that you were in utero for this one, kiddo. I'm not sure what I would have done if you had been there and able to understand those people. This is similar to a Washington, DC Zoo episode that your dad and I experienced once. I can't even relate that story here, but let's just say that it involved one man LOUDLY and VIVIDLY describing the poor elephant's bowel movement and then debating all of its pluses and minuses in terms worse than I could ever have fathomed might come out of someone's mouth in the middle of a crowd of anyone, let alone a bunch of little kids. See, you cringed just now, didn't you? And you weren't even there to hear it! Trust me, whatever you are was worse! I don't consider myself much of a prude in terms of language use, etc.; however, there is a line when kids are around and apparently, someone needs to walk around whacking people with that line, to get it through their thick skulls. Where's the Sensitivity Bat when you need it?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Much Better

I would just like to point out that Floating Baby on the right side of the screen is finally putting on some weight and starting to look more like a cute newborn than some alien being. Good job Floating Baby! And good job Orange Seed, who is now more than 26 Weeks old and weighing in at around 2lbs!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Today the Baby-Meter has announced a major milestone...100 Days to go! Though on any other occasion, 100 days would sound horribly long, somehow in this case 100 days seems like a mere drop in the bucket(-o-pregnancy). Though we're getting more and more eager for Orange Seed to arrive, it still seems hard to believe that I am almost 2/3rds of the way through my pregnancy and that Orange Seed will arrive in only a little over 3 months. While there will be obvious benefits to NOT being pregnant anymore (cuddly baby, lack-o-belly, ability to sleep on stomach or back...), I also have to say that I have really enjoyed being pregnant so far. You hear so many horror stories from other pregnant women, so I was prepared for 10 months of misery and drama, but has been fun! Okay, so there are parts that are not convenient and I recognize that overall I have had it easier than most, but still. It is sad to think that someone might be forced to go through these months without any enjoyment. Especially now that I am nearing the end of my second trimester and can feel Orange Seed moving around on a regular basis, being pregnant is no longer scary and is, instead, just exciting. As I've said before, there is something really magical about carrying around this little life inside of you. You are someone's home for 10 months. And, though Chris keeps telling me that my body no longer belongs to me, but only belongs to Orange Seed, I have to say that I don't really felt like I've given up my body at all. There are some obvious differences in it, but far from being alienated from my body, I feel more in touch with it now than ever. Women, especially, spend an inordinate amount of time fretting over our bodies. What is this little dimple here? What is that spot over there? Should this be bigger? Could that be smaller? Pregnancy is such a RELIEF as a woman! For once, I am not worrying about how I should or shouldn't look and can, instead, just focus on how I do look and what my body is doing (incredibly) to prepare itself for baby.

I have definitely had days where I have caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and done a double-take at the new basketball-like protrusion stemming from my mid-section but, I have also had a lot of days, especially lately, where I have marveled at my body, proud of the way it is able to meld itself into the perfect home when, not so long ago, it couldn't even have imagined being this shape. I admit that I might feel differently had I let myself give into pregnancy and all the "treat yourself" messages that sometimes go along with it. I might not be feeling quite so body-positive if I had gained a ton of weight or was seeing changes in places other than my belly. But, in my case, I feel like my body has stayed strong and able and has merely added a new special quality to itself, one that I could never have anticipated would be so satisfying and enjoyable.

I know someone out there just groaned and someone else just rolled their eyes. I know a few people are going to find this post unbelievable or cheesy, but for those of you who haven't been through this yet and are thinking that one day you want to have this experience, please...when it all begins to happen, take a deep breath, relax, and instead of preparing for a roller-coaster of terror, prepare to enjoy the most fascinating ride of your life. Pregnancy is, to some extent, what you make of it. All I can say is that if you go in planning to be relaxed, healthy, and active, your body will comply and will thank you later. It always makes me giggle when she says it, but I think my Yoga instructor is onto something when she says, "You are all beautiful, empowered, birthing goddesses". :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


As many of you know, Chris and I just got back from a ski vacation in Stowe, VT. Originally, the idea of going skiing over New Years was less than appealing, considering the fact that one of us was not going to be allowed anywhere NEAR a hill. For those of you who don't ski, let me explain - not being allowed on a hill puts a MAJOR damper on your skiing fun, i.e. it kills it. Without the hills, no movement. Standing on skis and shuffling for days on end - not only not fun, but also very strange and liable to get you many confused looks. Now, we were getting to go skiing with Suz and Tim, which was a major bonus and made the trip hard to pass up regardless of whether or not I could ski, but still. That meant THREE of us could ski and one of us would have to entertain herself in the hotel's "award winning aqua center" - read: tiny, cold, and not too clean looking pool. Again, kind of an unappealing plan for five days. Luckily though, many weeks before the trip was finally to happen, Suz confessed that she too would be forced to sit out and stay away from the hills (Yay!! On so many levels!!), so the trip now became a boys-go-off-to-ski, girls-go-get-pampered-at-the-spa extravaganza. I didn't have to get in that sad little pool once!

As part of last week's fun, Suz and I took to the woods for some snowshoeing. Neither of us had done it before and let me tell you, it is FABULOUS! You float across the snow and so can take trails deep into the woods, which are beautiful and peaceful and elegant this time of year. And you get to wear these fabulous snowshoes with super tough looking spikes while you do it.


We had a fabulous time hiking back through the forest, climbing up seemingly endless hills, scooting down long winding paths, and jumping (okay, long-stepping over) the occasional water feature.

We had so much fun in fact, that we went for 10k - a pretty impressive distance considering the terrain, our lack of snowshoe experience, and the fact that we are both not quite in top form these days. Not to mention the fact that some of us thought we might just be able to wear our normal ski pants with a bellaband over top, rather than buying bigger pants or some other pregnant lady friendly apparel. For anyone thinking of trying this, it does NOT work. My pants slid down every 5th step and though I don't think it ever got to the point of indecent exposure (thank you, long underwear), it wasn't exactly convenient. yes, 10k. Please...applaud...

The result of this 10k hike was two-fold. On the one hand, my body definitely got in some good exercise. My muscles ached wonderfully for the next couple days to let me know that the hike had given them a good workout. On the other hand, I was a little worried that maybe my workout had been too good a workout for poor Orange Seed. Lately, I feel Orange Seed kicking so often that having an alien being booting me in the abs every couple of hours has started to seem entirely normal. She had been super active all through our vacation, even kicking like crazy when her mom was trying to enjoy a supremely relaxing facial (still wondering if facial lady could see my stomach bouncing around like a caged animal). But on Sunday, the day after our long hike, Orange Seed was not to be found. Completely quiet, even after I fed her pannekoek with chocolate chips, powdered sugar, and banana chunks for breakfast (don't judge - it was AWESOME and you know you want some), I was starting to worry that maybe I'd worn her out! The whole ride home (7+ hours) and all that night, barely a move from her. Though I'm a pretty chill pregnant lady overall, even I was starting to get a little concerned. But, all my worrying was for naught. Monday morning - bang! bang! bang! and that sound is not someone knocking at my door, but someone knocking from within my belly and since then, she has just picked up the force and pace. I don't know if I really did wear her out and it's taken her awhile to recover or if she was just resting up to get revenge on me and is now like "Yeah, this is kind of tiring, huh? How do YOU like it? Hmm?" Either way, I'm just glad to have her back in full swing. Feeling minorly nauseous from her crazy antics is way better than wondering if she's okay in there. So, kick away Orange Seed. Your little internal soccer games still make mommy giggle. You have no power to get revenge, yet!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Pregnancy Brain

I had heard tales of the dreaded Pregnancy Brain, a beast that comes in and mangles your mind, stealing away your focus and ability to fully function as an intelligent adult. I had heard of this beast, but believed it to be mythical...until today.

For the past few days I'd been having clumsy moments. I dropped a pen three times before finally being able to put it to paper. I missed my mouth when going to take a drink out of my Vitamin Water bottle and instead gave my chest and neck a soaking. I randomly lost my balance while standing in line and, though I recovered semi-gracefully, I definitely did a one-legged bobble hop for a few seconds, giving Suzanne quite the show. I also found myself having a hard time getting out a coherent sentence, forgetting words that I've known since the age of three, in addition to the names of well-known politicians, actors, and even some near and dear relatives. But, despite these small signs of my impending doom, I hadn't yet begun to believe that the Beast was really about to take me in its jaws and then...

Today, during the long car ride back from Vermont, we stopped briefly at Red Robin to pick up some belly fuel. As we sat there in the restaurant, waiting for our meals to be ready, Chris and I were talking about To-Do lists and things we needed to take care of, when I said "Oh! I should probably tell the doctor that I'm traveling to Mexico, huh?" This question was followed by a 10 second pause, after which Chris said, "When are you traveling to Mexico?"


Mexico! The secret location of his top secret birthday present destination and I just threw it on out there, "Mexico", like it was no big deal for him to hear that word. I repeat...


While a combination of shocked silence and furious cursing was going on inside my head, Chris finally busted out laughing, realizing that I had just unintentionally (and shockingly stupidly) spilled the proverbial beans. Unbelievable.

And the Beast slowly closed its gaping jaws, smiled a satisfied smile, and gave a small I-just-ate-a-pregnant-brain burp.

(Monster courtesy of Hylton Warburton)