Dear Orange Seed -
It is getting harder and harder to focus on anything but you and your upcoming arrival. I find myself triple checking lists of Must Haves, making sure that we've purchased everything necessary for your first weeks home. I have been reorganizing drawers and shelves, making room for all of your belongings. I keep looking around the house finding things that need to be moved, taken care of, sorted, or managed before you get here. I can't seem to focus on anything but you or things related to you. How I will make it through the next 40 days is beyond me. I don't believe that I'll be acting like much more than a twirping mama bird by the time you actually arrive.
Also, I accidentally bumped you into the car door today. Despite being unable to focus on anything but you, I sometimes forget how large you have gotten and misjudge the kinds of spaces I can fit through. I really did think that I could open the car door and still have room to squeeze between the car and the truck in the next space. Nope. So...sorry about that.
Oh and it turns out you like the soundtrack from Rent. You definitely started dancing when it came on this afternoon. This makes Mama very happy. I can't wait to sing to you when you are out here and not hidden beneath layers of body.
And now, back to work. See? You did it again. Completely distracted me from what I'm SUPPOSED to be doing. 40 days...
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