Have I ever mentioned that I love massage? I mean LOVE massage. If any of you are ever trying to decide what to get me for my birthday, Christmas, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, heck, Labor Day, President's Day or any other Day ending in d-a-y, please know that a gift certificate for a massage is the way to go. Or a facial. I love a good facial too. I actually might typically love facials more than massages, but seeing as I'm now almost 37 weeks pregnant and have given up on having good skin again until after baby is born, I'm currently far more focused on the massages. Nothing feels as good right now as having somebody apply good focused pressure on those poor spots in my lower back which are forced to support and compensate for the 6lb+ weight that is now strapped to my mid-section. I could have kissed this woman today as she put her knee up on the table to give her extra force with which to apply pressure to my aching back. I could have, but I didn't. I hear that is frowned upon in the massage world. Regardless, today I took an hour out of my workday to go get a fantastic prenatal massage (Hello belly! So good to finally have been able to actually lie on you (with the help of some strategically placed support pillows) again!) and I can safely say that I am not experiencing so much as one ounce of guilt. My only regret lies in the fact that I am not yet rich enough to afford to get a massage once a day or, let's admit, even once a week. That said, I am plotting that if Orange Seed does not arrive on time, I may just need another massage for consolation. Seems only fair, right?
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