It's April 9 and spring is finally in the air. The trees who can are in bloom and those who can't are springing leaf buds, eagerly preparing for their own grand entrance. Other changes appear to be in the air too, although these are far more mysterious. All day yesterday and all last night, I had cramps and something was...different in the way the baby was moving and positioned. Something was different in the way my entire body felt, actually. It wasn't the most pleasant experience, nausea, cramping, and general unease, but it was sort of nice to at least know that maybe some kind of preparation was going on. Today everything is back to feeling pretty much normal again, so I don't know if yesterday was a spurt of Braxton Hicks or the baby had just managed to squirm her way further south and was pressing on some new nerves...Whatever it was, I have chosen to think of it as a sign of progression because, let's be honest, we are eager for some progression at this point. They are now taking bets at both my yoga and Pilates classes on how many more times they'll see me. Though they have been kind enough to mainly bet they won't see me after Friday of next week, I have watched way too many women come walking in two, three, four days after their due dates to have much hope. But, then, there is always some hope isn't there? So maybe I do still have some little part of me that thinks Mme Orange Seed might decide to show up early. Ah, how it doth spring eternal.
But while I wait for something big to happen, I am mainly trying to distract myself: Yoga and Pilates as often as possible; swimming; time in the park; I've read three books in the past two weeks (The Girl Who Played With Fire, Naked, and The Must Asylum); potentially excessive checking of e-mail and Facebook; last chance appointments (nails, hair, massage); and, today, I rented seven movies. That's right, seven. I have five days to watch them. I realize this makes the chance of my getting through them all pretty unlikely, but a) for once there were multiple movies at Blockbuster that I actually wanted to see (so this is the bonus to seeing no movies in the past 6 months or so) and b) the sun went into hiding today, so my plans to lie in the park were foiled and after only getting about four hours of sleep the other night due to discomfort and a bizarre case of wakefulness, I was exhausted and so only wanted to make like a vegetable today. In case you are wondering, I've only gotten through one so far: An Education. Not bad. Not great. I plan to move onto either "The Hurt Locker", "Zombieland", or "Where the Wild Things Are" next. See? I'm not kidding. I rented so many movies that the Blockbuster dude asked me if I was sure. "You have seven movies here," he said. "Right...". "You know you only have them for five days, right?" "Yes. I may not make it through them, I know..." (seriously, dude, why must you point out to everyone else in the store that I am planning a lazy movie marathon?). "Well, okay then...if you're sure..." Oi. Let a pregnant woman be, would ya? Now the guilt is going to drive me to spend every hour of the weekend outside and away from the television and that $30 of movies will go to waste and I will actually feel proud when I go back to the store and say "yeah, sheesh, I didn't even make it through two. Just soooo busy...alas." Darn this man. Does he not now I have major difficulty agreeing to just relax and be lazy. Don't challenge me when I'm about to give into the urge! This might have been the one time I let myself get some rest all month. Way to kill it, Blockbuster Dude.
Ah, well...let's hope maybe the movies work some voodoo magic and make Orange Seed come early. I keep hoping the same thing will happen when I sign up for a class or make any kind of appointment. Surely if I make plans past today, she will then show up early. Murphy's Law, right? Waiting...waiting...
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