Hard to believe that as of yesterday our little one is already one week old. I realize that to most people, one week sounds about as young as it gets, but as a new mom, one week sounds shockingly old. I mean one week...soon she'll be calling boys and wanting to go shopping for prom dresses! We have had so many people send us warm wishes via cards and telephone calls and though they are all well-meaning, so many of them have added a little note saying "Enjoy these moments. They are gone so quickly." I have to admit that though I understand the truth behind them, those are words to break a new mom's heart. When I lie with Kayla snuggled up against my chest at night, looking down at her perfect little face and tiny little hands, I just can't bear to picture her growing up. I know that we are in for such excitement and that we will cherish every milestone and yet, a part of me just wants her to stay tiny and cuddly forever.
It is incredible to think how many things we have learned in one week. We have learned the value of 2-3 hours of uninterrupted sleep. We have learned that co-sleeping doesn't necessarily provide mom with the most restful nighttime ever, but it does provide some of the most warm and cherished moments. We have learned that new babies are cute enough that even when they keep you awake from 1am-4am, you can't help smiling at their little wide-eyed faces.
I have realized that filing my own nails is not nearly as complicated as I thought. Try filing the nails of a 7 day old - paper thin and the size of nail heads. I have learned that you always, ALWAYS, pack an extra set of clothes for baby in the diaper bag. I have learned that babies can projectile ANYTHING - always have an extra changing pad, clothes, blanket, etc., at the ready and pack more diapers and wipes than you think you could possibly need. I have learned that grabbing a 5 minute shower can feel like a complete luxury and that managing to actually shave, well...paradise. I have learned that when you are breast-feeding, you MUST breastfeed on a regular schedule or your boobs will certainly let you know that you are falling behind (ouch!). I have learned that a new daddy can be as protective or more so than a new mommy. We have perfected the art of blocking out so that small germy children cannot touch our precious newborn. We have learned that sharing the burden is a must and that patience is, indeed, an incredibly important virtue. We have realized that mornings in bed now have a new meaning and that "sleeping in" can occur even when you are out of bed by 9. I have learned that the laundry must be done at least every other day unless you want to buy 10 of everything (sheets, changing pad covers, clothes, blankets...).
More than anything though, we are learning that it is possible to love someone so much that it makes your heart hurt. I have been lucky enough to be married to someone who I love more than I ever thought possible and now, having Kayla, I am realizing that love truly has no boundaries.
Happy One Week Birthday, Kayla. Mommy and Daddy still can't believe that they get to keep you forever.
that is such a cute picture!!!!!! she is actually opening her eyes now :) i can't wait to see her again!