"Abbott is initiating a proactive, voluntary recall of certain Similac-brand, powder infant formulas in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Guam and some countries in the Caribbean.
Abbott is recalling these products following an internal quality review, which detected the remote possibility of the presence of a small common beetle in the product produced in one production area in a single manufacturing facility. The United States Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) has determined that while the formula containing these beetles poses no immediate health risk, there is a possibility that infants who consume formula containing the beetles or their larvae, could experience symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort and refusal to eat as a result of small insect parts irritating the GI tract. If these symptoms persist for more than a few days, a physician should be consulted."
In case you missed it, what Abbott is saying is that Kayla, over the past few weeks, may have ingested some yummy beetle bits. And here I was worrying over the fact that her formula contains sucrose. A little sugar seems far less nefarious when you compare it to this newest uncovered ingredient of bug eggs. Larvae for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Guess we can cut out those protein supplements...
In happier and less stomach-churning news, Kayla has been on a people meeting mission lately. In every store, at every bus stop, on every park bench, she has been a smiling, flirting, friend-making machine. The butcher in the grocery store is her new bud. The cashier at Target is her bff. My old friend, Mike, from high school, her newest love interest. It is so fun to watch her coo and smile and flirt with anyone who comes into her line of vision. Guess the book is right - those socialization skills have kicked into overdrive.

And you know what else has kicked into overdrive? Her desire to crawl! Yup, crawl! She definitely hasn't perfected her technique yet, but she is on a mission to go places as soon as she is set down on the ground these days. Right now she looks a little ridiculous doing it (Shh...don't tell her). Her current method for inching along is to pull her legs up under her, push her butt up as high into the air as it will go, then pedal her legs until she gets enough momentum to propel herself forward head first. Are you wondering what her arms are doing during this? Typically sitting folded up under her belly or being chewed upon as she shoves them both into her mouth. I'm not sure what she has against using her arms. Most babies tend to favor their arms, hence the rolling from front to back first and the early-on army crawl technique. Not Kayla though. She has the strongest legs ever and so she prefers to try and use them to accomplish any and all tasks, including excercising her new teeth. Eh? Well, lately she likes to shove her toes into her mouth and chomp on them like a chew toy. Most of the time this works out because she puts them far enough in that she's just gumming them with the side of her mouth, but occasionally she actually gets them positioned just right so that when she clamps down, "WAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" - The big toe "gets it" from the two little teeth that now protrude from her bottom front gum. And I know it shouldn't be funny, but it kind of is...I mean seriously...get the mental picture going...funny, right?
Poor hilarious Kayla. You are seriously too cute for words.

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