Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Num Num Num

Kayla is getting teeth. TEETH! I know some of you are currently clapping your hands and going "Oooh, how exciting," and to you I say "Stop it! Stop it right now!" My baby cannot have teeth. She can't! She is Mush Face, my little toothless cuddle monster. She is the gummy, drooly love of my life. She can't have teeth! It totally weirds me out!

Yes, yes I know that EVENTUALLY, all babies get teeth and yes, I realize that eventually, those teeth will be of great use to her. Blah blah blah. She is growing up!!! Don't you see it??? First the teeth, then the back-talking and the riding off on the back of her tattooed boyfriend's motorcycle going "Ciao, ma. I'll see you when I see you." ("Ma" because the poor thing is growing up in Jersey. "Ciao" because she will clearly speak fluent Italian among her many other languages, well-educated genius that she will be - despite her affinity for motorcycle riding rebels.) ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Clearly teeth are the gateway drug of maturity and rebellion. My little Snuzzelface...all grown up with TEETH!

Okay, okay, perhaps I exaggerate the severity of the situation. I have seen other 5-6 month olds with their first couple teeth and it is super cute. Those jack-o-lantern-esque little grins...adorable. But those were the "big kids". Kayla always seemed so far away from that stage. And now, here I am, on the eve of her 5-month birthday, and I am just sort of in shock that MY baby could have reached this stage. And the stages are supposed to be exciting right? They are. But, they're also a little bitter sweet, because as ridiculous as this seems, with every stage you think "Sigh...she's just a little more grown up." And, of course, I want her to grow up. But, I also want her to stay my little Snuzzler for as long as possible.

I get it now, Mom. I get why watching your children grow up is both thrilling and bittersweet. And yes, Kayla is only 5 months old, so it's a little early to be "getting it", but hey...I am precocious like that. Alas for my toothless Snuzzler...your new tooth-ful self is boggling my mind.

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