Stuffy, runny, all-around snot-infested nose, nasty cough, and watery eyes...our little baby is having a rough time right now. Apparently being stuck on an airplane for 6 hours got the best of her. Some germ-infested person managed to spread their sickness to her via the illness-incubator that is the plane cabin and now she is down for the count. Well, not down. Actually, the cold has managed to make her want to do anything BUT go down. I can't say that I blame her. She lays her poor little head down and immediately starts making the most horrible sounds. You know when you have a really bad cold and breathing is anything but easy? Well, imagine that, only now you also don't have the luxury of being able to blow your nose, clear your throat or take drugs. Fun, right? And so, poor Kayla just lies there pathetically snorting and wheezing and's horrible. And yet, when she's up...she is still UP. I don't know how she does it, but she's still managing to smile and giggle her way through the day, pausing only briefly to sneeze or cough or snuffle. Her Aunt Kristen came over Friday and I had warned her, after being up with Kayla much of the night, that she shouldn't expect K to be in a very good mood. But clearly I need to have more faith. Kayla not only smiled at Kristen, she giggled at her, went out to the park with her, showed her all her new tricks...I say again, my kid is a TROOPER. She's more of a trooper than me. I've managed to catch the cold and I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep for about a week straight. Alas for the unencumbered days of my youth.
This is Kayla sick:
This is me:

Okay, no, that's not REALLY me. That is some random girl whose picture is up on the Internet under the Google Search heading of "Fetal Position". The picture isn't protected, so I have ganked it for my own use. That's right. Ganked. I am not posting a real picture of me sick because, come on, I have a reputation to maintain. No one wants photos of my sick self up for the world to see. No, really, you don't. Plus, how would I get such a picture? Chris would mock me if I asked him to take one and setting up the tri-pod to take it myself is far too much effort for my temporarily crippled body to make. Not to mention, that I feel like taking a picture of myself sick would be a whole new level of crazy blogger that I am just not ready to explore.
Anyhow, you get the point. Kayla, the 5 month old, is tougher in the face of sickness than her mother. For shame.
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