Thursday, September 2, 2010

How Time Flies

I simply can't believe that Kayla is already 4 1/2 months old. Time is racing by and with every day I am more and more in awe of this little person who has completely changed our lives. She is beautiful, smart, hilarious, can I determine this all from watching her chug a bottle, bat at her toys and roll over (and over and over and over)? I am her mother. There are some things I just know.

Month 4 has been absolutely amazing so far. Kayla is changing every day and it has been incredible to watch her continue to develop from an infant into a baby. She is learning new tricks every time I turn around and her personality is really starting to shine through.

What is Kayla working on this month?

We're working on sitting up...

And we have perfected rolling over both back to front and front to back.

We're discovering our toes...

And are becoming ever more enchanted with The Baby in the Mirror.

We're just starting to giggle...

And we've learned that we can put our tongue between our lips, blow and create all kinds of fun sounds (and flying spit bubbles)

We're drooling like a crazy woman!

And we had our first taste of Prune Juice...

We fought and conquered our first cold (Do you know that this kid would go into a coughing fit, wind up choking and then finish it all off with a smile? My child is a T-rooper!). Helped along by our favorite new toy (courtesy of Daddy)

We now fit into our monkey hat...

We didn't before...

We have FINALLY met our Aunt Kim!

And we are learning that we have control over our universe...

I love watching Kayla explore the world every day. To think that everything is new for her...what an incredible way to live. If adults could only remember the wonder that the world held for them when they were 4 months old, we would all be in a much better place. I watch the way she gazes up at the leaves of the trees, not only seeing "leaves", but seeing the way they contrast against the blue sky, the way they wave in the wind, the way their colors vary from branch to branch. I watch her as she learns that she has control over her universe - that she can move things and change things and make things do what she wants. It is magical to watch her learn for the first time all the miracles that adults take for granted. She has feet! She has fingers! She can make sounds using her tongue! If I could bottle up her energy and enthusiasm and save just a little of it to give back to her when she's grown, I would. I don't ever want her to lose her wonder for the world. I feel like, though some days the day to day nonsense gets in the way, I have been able to keep a lot of that wonder myself. I used to force myself, each day, to stop and find one thing to marvel at - the sun's rays glittering in a puddle of water, tiny blades of grass all swaying in the breeze, the feel of a soft rain on my face...if there is one thing I want to teach Kayla, it is that this world is the most wondrous gift and that she should never forget that there is magic in every crevice of it; she has only to keep her eyes and her heart open to find it.

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