Last night my baby, my wonderful, darling, amazing baby, slept for eight hours. EIGHT hours. I fed her at 730pm, took about an hour getting her to fall asleep in her VERY OWN BED, and then she slept from 830pm right through until 430am. Can you believe it?? And you know what was just as amazing? At 430am, she woke up, ate for ten minutes, went right back to sleep and slept another three hours! In other words, I got to sleep from about 930pm until 730am. Do you have any idea how amazing that is? Well, okay, it wasn't quite that good because a) I couldn't figure out why in the world my baby wasn't waking up which meant that I woke up every hour or so and had to check to make sure that she hadn't stopped breathing. I mean, listen, if your 8 week old suddenly decides to sleep for 8 hours straight, you can't help but be a little suspicious that it is too good to be true. And then, of course, there's the whole breastfeeding issue, as in I am breastfeeding and the boobies do not like to go 8 hours without being emptied. Have you ever seen cows moo-ing uncomfortable in a pasture? Yeah...So I also had to finally give in and pump (moo, again) at 330am, so that my boobs did not decide to get angry and rebel by clogging up or some other equally pleasant issue. I have spared you people the details of clogged ducts and most other post-pregnancy body issues, but let's just say that there are some things they just don't warn you about in the prenatal classes. Anywho, I am not complaining. TRUST ME, there is NO complaint here after having my baby sleep, essentially, through the night. I can only hope that this is a new trick she plans to keep on showing off night after night. Fingers crossed!
In other news, yesterday was another big day of adventures for Kayla. Yesterday morning, Kayla participated in her first charity event. She joined Chris, Grandma Duck and I for a 5K American Cancer Society walk across the GW Bridge. Kayla was a champ and not only allowed herself to be roused very early in the morning, but then relaxed and slept for most of the walk.
She was an absolute doll of a baby, until...after the walk, we had planned to go over to a nearby park to join in the post-event festivities. We finished the walk, packed up the car, drove over, parked and I decided I had better feed Kayla so that she would be happy to let us hang out at the picnic for awhile. So I get her all nestled into my lap in the front seat and start feeding her. All is going well until suddenly I feel this bubbling sensation on my forearm and then a warmth washes over my hands...long story short, not only did Kayla manage to shoot pooh out the back of her diaper, but she managed to get it all over my hands, my arm, her entire body, the car seat, and, perhaps most impressively, all over my shorts. That's right, in poohing herself, she managed to make it look like mommy had done the same thing. So impressive. So disgusting. Now, I have noticed that becoming a mom somehow immediately ups your threshold for yuckiness. It has to, otherwise the first time your kid projectile poohed all over something you would their bags and ship them back to whence they came. That said...there is something about suddenly realizing that you are sitting in someone else's pooh that can churn even the strongest mother's stomach. Needless to say, we did not stay for the picnic and mommy road the whole way home sitting gingerly on a burp cloth. Unbelievable. And do you know that Miss Baby tried to do the same thing again this morning? Luckily, I am too quick for her now. As soon as I felt the first bubble and saw that red, concentrated look come over her face, I leapt for the bedroom and changing table. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...Of course, she was then super pleasant and happy all morning. Apparently, a long night's sleep and good BM will do that for a girl. Who knew?
This is one special, special job.
I Love My PlayMat
Until I Don't
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