Actually, here's the older pic, just so you can really compare.
Incredible, huh? But on to the meat of the post...
The last couple days have been so fun, despite the fact that Kayla's sleep schedule has gotten a little messed up in the process. Moving to NJ last summer was tough and though we're feeling more and more at home, I still don't feel "settled". When we left Virginia, we had been there for a little over seven years. In that time, Virginia had really become home. We were settled into careers, a house, an amazing group of friends...Coming up here has really felt like starting over completely. We know next to no one here, with the exception of my sister and cousin and though I'm still working, my job is SO different from what it once was that it almost feels like beginning my career over again too. In Virginia we were used to living a jam packed life. We both belonged to at least one or two soccer teams, I was playing on two volleyball teams, we had our jobs and our regular get-togethers with was rare that we had a night where we were both just home alone and relaxing, so any downtime felt really special. Up here, our lives have been so much the opposite - lots of downtime and far fewer social commitments. We haven't really managed to find sports teams to join yet, partially because I wasn't exactly in any shape to be joining a team what with the whole baby-carrying process. Also, with me working from home, it's been harder to find that core group of friends up here. We were so lucky in Virginia. I wound up working with amazing people who became my closest friends, on top of the fact that we each had good friends from high school who just happened to wind up living nearby. Coming up here, we had to really search more for friends, which ain't easy. It's feels a lot like being back on the dating scene. I meet other women through yoga or pilates and feel like I have to do the whole "So...what are your interests? What do you like to do on the weekend? Are you looking for a friend relationship?" And I'm trying. I'm trying to do it, but it's tougher than it seems. Picking up friends at the gym or at Starbucks just isn't super comfortable. I won't lie, from time to time being up here has been really hard and I've wanted to just call it quits and go back to our comfortable, familiar lives in DC, but there are so many reasons that being up here is good for us, especially for Chris, and so, instead, I've been trying to tough it out. Some days are easier than others. The last couple days though have given me renewed hope that maybe, just maybe, we'll eventually feel at home here too.
Last night, Kayla and I walked down to meet Chris at the Path station as he commuted home from work. When he got off the Path, he said "So...what are you doing tonight?" "Um...I don't know. What am I doing?" I asked. "You are playing volleyball," he answered and then proceeded to explain that the Hoboken Ski Club has Monday night sand volleyball games all summer long. We had planned to join the Hoboken Ski Club last winter and Chris actually did go to one event, but with me being pregnant, we weren't able to actually go on any of their trips last year and I also wasn't really able to take advantage of their weekly bar meet-ups, so our plans to participate sort of went by the wayside. When Chris brought up the volleyball game, I was actually really nervous. I wouldn't know anyone! I completely balked and was ready to just say "uh uh, no way," and resign myself to another night at home, but Chris insisted we at least do a walk-by and, in my heart, I knew it was the right thing to do. So, off we went and, in the end, it was great! I have no idea what will come out of it, but it was so nice to be out playing volleyball again and the group was a really nice, chill bunch of people. It was so nice, in fact, that we wound up staying until after 9pm, killing Kayla's schedule, but she slept happily in the Baby Bjorn for the entire 2 hours, clearly content to be out for the evening and a party animal later that night. No, I did not play volleyball with her in the Baby Bjorn. Chris actually kept her while I played and though she kept getting invited to get in on the court action, she chose instead to snooze away. Knowing that these games are a weekly thing gives me hope that it might wind up being a way for us to get to know some new people and maybe make some friends so, after a nice, fun night, I'm actually super excited about getting to go again next week and I am super grateful to my husband for making me put on a brave face and get out there (See? Dating scene lingo again!)
And then today. Today Kayla and I had our first baby-and-me yoga class. Itsy Bitsy Yoga class. The instructor is the same woman who taught one of my prenatal yoga classes, so I had been really excited for this session to start so that I could see her again and introduce her to Kayla. The class was WONDERFUL. It is definitely focused on the babies. It's not a workout class, but it is a wonderful way to spend some fun time playing and bonding with baby. The whole class is so cute. Everyone sits in a circle holding their babies or sitting with their babies laid out on a mat in front of them. You do some baby massage and some fun little limb manipulation games while singing and talking to baby. There is also just a lot of chatting amongst the people there - comparing stories and tips...It was really nice. I was hoping it might be a good way to meet people and we'll see how that goes since the class is actually pretty small. Regardless though, I really loved getting to just play with Kayla that way. At home we play a ton of course, but it was nice to have a little organized activity and to get some new ideas. She did so well too! It's a brilliant class in that it is completely tailored to kids 6 weeks through about a year, so everyone brings in their diaper bags, people feed their babies in the middle of class if they need to, there is no pressure to have the "perfect baby", in fact, the instructor started out by saying, "Listen, many babies won't make it all the way through a 45 minute class, so if you need to get up and walk them around or to put them down to sleep or whatever, feel free!" Kayla was the youngest there by about a month, but she hung in like a champ! She actually started out seeming like she really liked it. She smiled at the songs and seemed to like the little massage/movement activities. She looked all around, wide-eyed and seemingly fascinated by the baby next to us. It wasn't until the last ten minutes or so that she started to look tired and got a tad fussy, but she still stuck it out and was so much better than I could have even hoped for. It was fun to see so many babies at so many different stages. It's so exciting to think how much she is going to change in just the next month or two.
Speaking of which...this morning, I swear Kayla purposefully reached for the toy I was dangling in front of her. She has definitely been noticing her hands more and more lately. She has no problem getting them to her mouth when she wants to and, lately, she'll bring them up in front of her face and focus on them like "hey...I think this is mine!" This morning, you could see the concentration on her face as she looked at the toy and then slowly, slowly moved her hand up to touch it. And it wasn't a fluke. She brought that hand up and batted at the little jangling toy I was holding one, two, SEVEN times! And she would get so excited when she hit it. It was so cute! What an amazing thing to be just starting out in life, to be just figuring out all the amazing things that you and your body are capable of. I love watching her learn. She was also full of smiles this morning, which always makes me giggle. This little girl is slowly developing from a little lovable blob into a real little person and I love it.
Oh and PS...just to prove that we really did take our 7 Week Old to a pro soccer game...
Note the look of total shock in this last one...poor poor traumatized baby...!
Don't forget to check out the Baby Story Times at your local library. Some programs are for 6 months and older, but some libraries have lapsit programs for 0-3 month-olds.
ReplyDeleteFind out what your library offers. It's another great way to meet new moms.