As of two days ago, you are officially 2 Months Old! To celebrate, you had a super fussy and unhappy day, but Mommy did manage to snap a couple pics before you turned into Fuss Master Extraordinaire.
Your ballerina outfit was quite the hit at Baby Yoga. In fact, Tamar, the little 3-month old boy lying next to us, couldn't take his eyes off you. You played it very coy, not even making eye contact with him, but he grinned at you for a solid 45 minutes. His mommy says he's in love. Of course, he didn't see you later in the day when you were pitching an absolute fit. Over what? I haven't the faintest idea, but something had you seriously out of sorts that day. Even bath time, normally your FAVORITE time of the day, couldn't cheer you up. I set you down in that bath and you screamed like I had forced you onto a bed of nails. Don't you know that you worry Mommy when you carry on like that? You followed up that day with a day of nothing but sleep yesterday. Apparently all that screaming plum wore you out. (Plum wore you out? Who says that? Suddenly, I'm an 80-year old West Virginian? I should have added in a "tuckered" for good measure.) seem to be somewhat recovered today, thank goodness. Mommy is preparing to be alone with you for most of four nights and three days next week while Daddy is out of town and an entire day of screaming was starting to get her a little nervous about the prospect of all that alone time. Today, you seem to be back to your normally cheerful self, so let's hope maybe you've exorcised your demons and are back to being my lovable little snuzzle girl.
(Side note: It is "exorcise", right? When you google it, it keeps suggesting "exercise" instead. She gave those demons plenty of exercise...those demons were going full steam all day Tuesday; lifting weights, running races, grunting and groaning and generally getting their workout on. I don't know that "exercise" is what they need. I don't want those demons any stronger or tougher than they already are...just sayin'...)

On another side note, totally un-baby related, is anyone else watching the hearings today in which they are lambasting the BP CEO? If so, does anyone else think this is a) a ridiculous political show in which the members of the Energy Panel are simply posturing for public support by pointing fingers, yelling, and generally feigning indignation? b) a big fat waste of our tax dollars? What's done is done. Can we work on fixing this, rather than pointing fingers, and can we spend these dollars on coming up with solutions and aid programs rather than on hours of televised berating of a man who, himself, is gaining nothing through this terrible disaster and is, therefore, unlikely to have orchestrated the event? If I have to hear one more Republican blame the current administration or one more Democrat blame the last, I am going to throw my TV out the window. Seriously, people...this is why I vote third party.
And now, let me apologize for my political rant. I promise never again to watch MSNBC while posting on the happy baby blog.
When my halfsibs were young, I remember my stepmom being comforted by the knowledge that babies do, indeed, throw tantrums simply because they need the "exercise." It is somehow important to their development that they do this--nothing you've done wrong, and nothing wrong with it at all.
ReplyDeleteI watched Hayman being grilled on CSPAN for hours, and here are my thoughts:
1. What has happened is deeply, deeply, tragic.
2. Blame will not fix it.
3. Blame is all politicians really know how to do.
Sarah -
ReplyDelete150% agreed. Perhaps this is why I just can't bring myself to care about politics anymore. On the one hand, I feel ignorant not caring about people who decide the future of my country. On the other hand, watching them be overly ineffective and underly worthwhile is getting really old. Do they really think the US population is stupid enough to buy into their haughty rants? ugh. This oil spill is one of the more tragic things to happen to this country in recent years. How about we use our time, money and energy to figure out how to fix it rather than on worthless finger pointing.